Monday, January 01, 1990

Spending Inspiration and Corruption

Inspiration and Corruption can be spent for a number of different effects.

As noted earlier, I/C can be spent to resolve a conflict without using a die roll.
One point of Inspiration can be spent to remove one point of Corruption, and vice versa.

Inspiration can be spent to weaken evil Traits or strengthen good Traits. Corruption can be spent to weaken good Traits or strengthen evil Traits. The cost for this is 1 point plus 1 added point for each shift between the new Trait value and the character’s Virtue. So, for example, a character with a Terce/None Virtue would have to spend 2 points to raise a Terce/None Trait to a Sext Trait (the base of 1 point plus the one phase shift from Terce/None to Sext). A Trait can only shift one clockface at a time. Any Trait that is changed to Prime/Vespers is removed from the character sheet. It has become too weak to be relevant to the character anymore.

If an I/C meter fills up, all the points must be spent immediately and the character’s Virtue shifts one phase. Inspiration shifts Virtue towards Sext and Corruption shifts Virtue towards Matins.

I/C can be transferred between willing characters. This can be used to simulate the effects of bad counsel, encouraging words, a blessing or curse, or other such actions. Simply roleplay the actions that are causing the transfer and then exchange points as desired.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems possible for a character's Inspiration meter to be filled when his Virtue is at Sext, or for his Corruption meter to be filled when his Virtue is at Matins. What happens then?

8/14/2005 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If an I/C meter fills up, all the points must be spent immediately and the character’s Virtue shifts one phase."

I'm reasonably sure that this means that the Inspiration or Corruption is used up by the Virtue shift. In other words, the above sentence is equivalent to "If an I/C meter fills up, it is immediately reset to zero and the character’s Virtue shifts one face."

However, it could be interpreted as requiring the player to spend all the points on Trait adjustment before play can proceed. In that case, the above sentence would be equivalent to "If an I/C meter fills up, the player must immediately spend points until that meter is empty. Afterwards, the character’s Virtue shifts one face."

Which interpretation better reflects your intent?

8/14/2005 11:36:00 PM  
Blogger Seth Ben-Ezra said...

Good catch. The Virtue shift uses up all the points in the meter. So, for instance, if a character earns 5 points of Inspiration, he loses all 5 points and bumps his Virtue up one face.

As to the first question, I've generally played that the meter doesn't clear, because there's nothing to spend it on. In the playtesting that we did, this didn't usually come up. I think that it's because a character with (say) a Sext Virtue is usually in a position where he is burning through a lot of Inspiration. I am open to alternatives, as long as they are backed up with playtest.

Thanks for the other editorial feedback that you've provided, BTW.

8/15/2005 02:34:00 PM  

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