Monday, January 01, 1990


[Chapter 1]
(Forward to next section: Basic Concepts)
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Welcome to Legends of Alyria, a game of imagination set in the dark technofantasy world of Alyria. Legends of Alyria is a type of game normally called a roleplaying game (or RPG). Ironically, attempts to define roleplaying games usually fail. There are so many different ways to play and reasons that people enjoy these games that crafting a definition that includes them all is a challenge beyond the scope of this introduction. Besides, you didn't come here to read a long, dry dissertation about the history and taxonomy of roleplaying games. You want to play! So, as you read the definition and descriptions given later, remember that these are only the answers that apply to this game.

At the same time, those of you who are veteran roleplayers should take care to read this chapter. Legends of Alyria is played quite a bit differently from many other roleplaying games, and you will better appreciate the game if you understand its underlying assumptions.

(Forward to next section: Basic Concepts)
(Forward to next chapter: In the Beginning...)


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